Detia gas

This pesticide is registered for . Tätä myyntipäällyksen tekstiä on noudatettava viimeistään 15. Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) . Detia Gas Ex B, Monographie 3. Sinks and reacts with water producing poisonous and spontaneously flammable phosphine gas and hydrogen chloride vapor. Extremely flammable – Poison! Degesch Fumigation Tablets . Räddningstjänsten på orten ska meddelas innan behandlingen påbörjas om inte stationär gaskammare används.

Descrição: Culturas: Milho, Trigo, Arroz, Feijão, Fumo, Farinha, Café Pragas alvo: Carunchos, Gorgulhos, Besouros, Traças Fosfina alemã . Manual para uso complementario con Etiqueta, Hojas de seguridad y Ficha . Metallic phosphides on clothes, skin, or hair can react with water or moisture to generate phosphine gas. Vomitus containing phosphides can also off- gas. Générateur de Phosphine pour la désinsectisation des produits récoltés. Insekticid-fumigant za suzbijanje štetnika koji uzrokuju štetu na poljoprivredni. Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data.

Was das für sie bedeutet, ist ihnen zu dem . Zulassungsnummer Vorratsschutzmittel Insektol AG Pest Control . Additional ingredients delay the early generation of the gas for about minutes. Tag Archives: detia gas ex b. DETIA GAS EX-P εισέλθετε στο σύστημα. Art der Zubereitung: Gaserzeugendes Produkt.

Primena: skladišta (pšenica, ječam, raž, ovas, kukuruz, pirinač, duvan i mahunarke):suzbijanje pasuljevog žiška (Acanthoscelides obtectus), žitnog žiska. Sección 1: Identificación del producto y del proveedor. Camino Antiguo a Valparaíso . App for nozzle selection, field spraying calibration and tracking . Aktif Madde, Aluminium phosphide (Tablet). Tuzla Kimya Sanayicileri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Melek Aras Bulvarı No: Tepeören – Tuzla İSTANBUL.

Cadeia de Saquetas no Contentor. Bei der Anwendung des Mittels gibt es bei den .