
Eine Rasenmischung für hohe Beanspruchung mit speziell gezüchtetem RasenWeißklee, welcher bei regelmäßigem Schnitt nicht blüht . Microclover : Klee statt Rasen. Eine Rasenfläche, die nicht mehr gedüngt oder bewässert werden muss und trotzdem schön grün ist? Imagine a dark green lawn with a minimum of weeds – without all the hard work.

Drought tolerant natural lawn alternative. Nitrogen fixing self-fertilizing.

Differs from mini clover, Miniclover. How microclover can save you money and keep your lawn greener. Questions regarding microclover in lawns in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Replace your lawn or just give it a helping hand by planting micro clover seeds to feed nitrogen to greases and to naturally prevent the spread of weeds.

Many years of natural selection have resulted in revolutionary micro-clovers with all the benefits of traditional clover packed into very tiny leaves. N) fertilizer, is with the inclusion of a type of clover, called microclover , into tall fescue lawns. I want to talk, again, about lawn alternatives.

A look at our changing relationship with the traditional lawn, and why some Canadians are considering alternatives to turf grass.

Picking micro-clover is a great pairing for your zero energy house. Find out about smart hedges here. Save on water and gardening fees and equipment. It can be mowed easily and it helps suppress weeds.

Mows super short (approximately 1), requires very little water, tolerates heavy foot traffic. Can be seeded over existing lawn to fill in . Gleich hier online die hochwertige Mischung bestellen! It is becoming a more common addition to lawns and . As a legume, the clover fertilizes the grass naturally by fixing nitrogen along its roots. Searching for the perfect microclover items? Shop at Etsy to find unique and handmade microclover related items directly from our sellers.

White clover (Trifolium repens) is a herbaceous perennial plant in the legume . It has all the benefits of regular clover just packed into smaller leaves. Learn about the benefits of micro clover lawns with Kick Gas Lawn Care. MICROCLOVER – a breakthrough in sustainable lawncare!

Smallest leaf size of any commercial clover. Forms a healthy turf when planted . It comes with assembled dimensions of 4.

I enjoyed reading your article on microclover. Do you know any places to purchase microclover seed directly? We all need to be more environmentally sensitive in how we care for our lawns, and using micro clover will help immensely. A guide to eco-friendly lawns and gardens in Metro Vancouver.

Here are some ways adding microclover improves your lawn.