Platycodon astra

Großblütige Ballonblume Astra Blau – bienenfreundlich, niedrig wachsende, sehr elegante Staude mit ballonartigen blauen Knospen, pflegeleicht. Von Juni–August zeigen sich die reinblauen Blüten. Als Schnittblume, auch für Gefässe geeignet.

Grosse, glockenförmige Blüten stehen in gestauchten Rispen. Excellent impulse item for gifts or just take-home. Ideally suited for modern mixed combinations and .

This selection forms a compact mound of green foliage, bearing inflated buds . Balloon Flowers are summer-blooming cousins to the more familiar Bellflowers. PLATYCODON grandiflorus F1-Hybr. Balloon flower is a showy perennial with white flowers in summer. Astra Rose brings a third colour to the popular ASTRA series.

They are bell-shaped with petals opening wide, growing . Marketing Information: Bench Card. A number of cultivars grew larger than pub- lished descriptions, resulting in a degree of. Unique, eye-catching and reliable for top-quality performance, Astra has become a .

Exceptional branching and thick flower petals make for long-lasting light pink blooms. Die Astra -Serie ist führend in der Topfproduktion! Die hitzetoleranten Ballonblumen sind mit ihren großen Blüten ein . Large, interesting balloon-like buds burst open into long-lasting, in.

Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. Learn how to grow and care for beautiful balloon flower. Platycodon grandiflorus Astra series: The flowers are double with 10 . Astra Blue balloon flower offers big blue, star-shaped flowers in summer.

Sie liebt warme Standorte und ist auch für . Check out more information about the balloon flower plant and explore tips for. Also known as Chinese bellflower. De ideale plant voor de kust , slaagt wel moeilijk aan in het begin maar nadien groeit hij goed en vormt een mooie pol.

De bloemknop lijkt op een grote . This striking variety has golf ball-sized buds that burst open into beautiful double blue flowers. Add a dose of cool blue to your summer garden. The development of the buds. Astra Double balloon flower plants in 5-inch pots are available from Nature Hills.

Deze plant heeft zeegroen bla waaruit de ca.

Plants will ship on the first available ship date.