Tipps für Standort, Erde, gießen, düngen, überwintern und vermehren. Merkmale: schöne, weiß bereifte Rosetten. Pflegehinweis speziell: Hier klicken zum lesen.
Called the “Mexican Snowball”, echeveria elegans has rosettes of aqua or pale- green spoon-shaped leaves, which have a silvery patina up to . Weltweiter Versand aus Europa.
Pink blush can develop on older plants. It is a succulent that forms gray-leafed rosettes in a tight formation. This beautiful succulent grows big light blue and green rosettes that easily offset . Succulents are any plants that have thick, strong, fibrous leaves and stems . Echeveria cante – Cutting (unrooted) . An Altman Plants original Hybrid.
Blooming in the spring and Summer.
Drought tolerant when established. One of my very favorite ground-covering succulents! As its name indicates, “ Mexican Snowball” bears elegant silvery blue rosettes to 6” tall and 8” across.
Elegans Blue echeveria has plump, blue-green rounded leaves ending in a point and growing in a tight clump. It is half hardy if given some protection against frost during winter. Online-Shop für Pflanzen, Garten, Gärtnerzubehör, Deko, Tee. Diese Sukkulenten werden gern in einen grobkörnigen, . Looking for Mexican Hens and Chicks, also known as White Mexican Rose or Mexican Snowball, for your garden landscape? Productores de planta ornamental de venta al por mayor.
Your item has successfully been added to cart. Tula inspires city-dwellers to . CoLd ToLEranCE 15–20°F InTErEsT year-round sIzE in. The current emphasis on water-wise gardening has created an interest in succulents.
All succulents are able to store water . Your progress will automatically be saved as you build your design.
The younger leaves tended to produce roots earlier and the older ones produced shoots earlier. Small groundcover about inches tall and spreading to about inches. Pink flowers have a yellow tinged. Plant in full sun (coastal) to light .