Bei der Silberraute handelt es sich um eine sehr attraktive . Native Status: CAN N LI,N. Best grown in poor to moderately fertile, dry to medium moisture, well- drained soils in full sun. Artemisia ludoviciana (Silberraute).
Excellent soil drainage is essential for growing this plant. Flower : Insignificant Spread : 2.
Leaves strongly bicolor (white and green, or gray-green and green), narrowly lanceolate,. Range map of white sagebrush. States are colored green where the species may be found. Louisiana wormwoo USDA PLANTS Symbol: ARLU U. Blattschmuckstaude, die sonnigen Staudenbeeten mit ihrem silbernen, . It is in flower from August to October, . Grow this for the long, just about serrate soft-to-the-touch, silver leaves alone.
Note: Artemesia ludoviciana spreads via rhizomes so give it plenty of room!
Came to me many years ago from Valerie Finnis when I called it after her. This plant is highly valued for its new young shoots, terminating in large rosettes of . Said Fernández S(1), Ramos Guerra MC, Mata Cárdenas. This variety spreads to form a large patch, and is excellent as a fast-growing groundcover on steep sunny slopes and similar places. Plants form a bushy, upright . Extracts of medicinal plants commonly used in Mexico were evaluated for their effects on the growth of Vibrio cholerae strains Oand O139. Das silbern schimmernde Kraut eignet sich hervorragend zur Herstellung von Smudge Sticks – Kräuterbündel zum Räuchern.
Silver wormwoo white or silver sage. Vierecktopf – Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Luz María DAMIAN BADILLO, Rosa Elisa MARTINEZ MUÑOZ, Rafael SALGADO GARCIGLIA, Mauro Manuel . Asteraceae) is an aromatic, herbaceous , perennial plant and known commonly name as “White Sage” . Namen für das schöne Kind 😉 Die silberne Königin . Prairie sage has fragrant, attractive silver. Functional use(s) – fragrance agents. The stems are covered in a dense mat of . Blätter: weißgrau , sommergrün Standort: Freifläche sonnig . Cremeweiße bis gelbliche Blüten.
Breite, grausilbrige Blätter.
Gedrungener, teppichartiger Wuchs. Wuchs, Wuchs locker aufrecht, starke Ausläuferbildung. Sie ist silbrig schimmernd und besitzt einen krieche.
Behaves as a pioneer species establishing . Synonym, Full Citation, Basionym, Type. Creeping rootstock with upright stems of finely divided silver foliage and matching silver flowers. Silbriges Blatt, welches bis in den Herbst hinein attraktiv bleibt.
Trocken und sonniger Standort!