Air plants
Airplants brauchen nur Luft und Liebe. Die Luftpflanzen sind derzeit aus keinem . Their true name are Tillandsia. There are more than 6types of air plants (Tillandsia spp.) that can grow—and thrive—without soil.
Air plants (Tillandsia) are easy to care for and they come in fascinating shapes and colors. Sie spriessen, wachsen und gedeihen – und das auch ohne Blumentopf.
Find out here how simple it is. Air plants (tillandsias) are our passion and we have a great range to suit any kind of project. Experiment with terrariums or give someone a unique living gift.
Tillandsia is a genus of around 6species of evergreen, perennial flowering plants in the. Some are aerophytes or air plants , which have a minimal root system and grow on shifting desert soil. Generally, the thinner-leafed varieties grow in . Each air plant is unique so it might look slightly . TIPPS UND TRICKS zur besten Pflege IHRER AIRPLANTS.
Einmal im Monat ein Wasserbad! Legen Sie mich für bis Stunden in lauwarmes Wasser. Buy Air plants : Delivery by Waitrose Garden in association with Crocus.
Tillandsias are not your typically house plant and have very different care needs. Continue reading