Falls man mit Kindern unterwegs ist dann haben diese vielleicht daran ihren Spaß. Die Fahrt mit dem Bambuszug in Battambang ist ein echtes Highlight in Kambodscha. Die Schienentaxis mit dem Namen Norry sind ein improvisiertes Transportmittel in Kambodscha besonders im Gebiet um Battambang.
Für Touristen werden Norries als „Bambuszug“ („ bamboo train “) . A norry or nori is an improvised rail vehicle from Cambodia.
Click A TOPIC BELOW for visitor . In Battambang folgte die verrückteste Zugfahrt unserer Weltreise, denn hier bestiegen wir den Bamboo. Located in the northwestern provincial capital of Battambang, the bamboo train began after the Khmer Rouge left Cambodia in tatters. This tour takes you on a fun and adventurous bamboo train ride along an old railway track where you will see very nice rice fields, local villages, old French . Dass eine Fahrt mit dem Zug ein richtiges Abenteuer sein kann, beweisen die Bamboo – Trains in Kambodscha.
Was es damit auf sich hat, . Endstation für Kambodschas Bamboo – Train.
Eine Bambuspalette, ein kleiner Motor – damit rattern Touristen nahe der Stadt Battambang durch die Reisfelder. This relic of this cheap of simple Cambodian transport system can still be experienced in one part of the country. The railroad will be repaired in the upcoming months. Riding the bamboo train is not, in fact, a leisurely jaunt through the Cambodian countryside.
It may seem like it will be that way when you first . There is more to Battambang than just its famous bamboo train. Old Angkorian temples, the tragic killing caves and incredible Cambodian . The bamboo train aka norry by locals, is a unique and creative form of transport. A new track for the nori, also known as the bamboo train , will be built in Battambang province to keep alive the traditional tourist attraction, said . If riding the rails in your own personal mini- train is one of your dreams, you can realize that dream in a surprising place: the Cambodian city of . Had a blast on the bamboo train ! It goes surprisingly fast and takes you by a lot of beautiful scenery!
Contact the Cambodia travel specialist to discover the best of Battambang. Gute Verfügbarkeiten und attraktive Preise. Buchen Sie online und zahlen . In contrast to the once a week passenger train, it is .
Naturally, they are illegal, but tolerated because they are so useful – and in any case there is only one real train a week up and down the line. During the second half of the 19th century, Cambodia . Bamboo Train Battambang – Trusted information by Siem Reap based ABOUTAsia.